Why can't we replace sniffer dogs with electronic noses?

Compared to other senses, our sense of smell is often overlooked. Our noses can alert us to risks such as rotten food, gas leaks and burning toast. But for advanced tasks such as detecting bombs or contraband, or diseases ...

Creating carbon nanostructures using small organic molecules

Small structures made out of carbons are a useful and versatile tool that can be used across industries, including in water and wastewater treatment, gas and oil, and energy storage. In order to create these nanostructures, ...

Investigating better biotransformations

Research in the International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications has investigated the chemistry and behavior of a useful natural product made by the Madagascar periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus Bunge). The ...

Process to customize molecules does double duty

Inspired by your liver and activated by light, a chemical process developed in labs at Rice University and in China shows promise for drug design and the development of unique materials.

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