Optical spring detects single molecules

A team of engineering researchers from the University of Victoria (UVic) and the University of Rochester (UR) has developed a way to detect single molecules using a light-based technology inspired by the "whispering gallery" ...

Nanosubs gain better fluorescent properties for tracking

The next generation of nanosubmarines being developed at Rice University has been upgraded with tags that fluoresce longer, which enables the submersibles to be tracked for greater periods while being driven through a solution.

Nanostructures made from DNA

In order for a machine to perform work, it needs parts that move relative to each other. This also holds true for nanoscale machines. German scientists have now used DNA molecules to make a nanoscale component that makes ...

Better measurements of single molecule circuits

It's nearly 50 years since Gordon Moore predicted that the density of transistors on an integrated circuit would double every two years. "Moore's Law" has turned out to be a self-fulfilling prophecy that technologists pushed ...

Shining light on similar crystals reveals photoreactions can differ

A rose by any other name is a rose, but what of a crystal? Osaka Metropolitan University-led researchers have found that single crystals of four anthracene derivatives with different substituents react differently when irradiated ...

A new and simple method for super-resolution microscopy

MINFLUX is a powerful microscopy technique that allows researchers to see objects much smaller than the wavelength of light. A newly developed evolution of the process uses a simpler device to create the light pattern needed ...

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