Atoms use tunnels to escape graphene cover

Graphene has held great potential for practical applications since it was first isolated in 2004. But we still don't use it in our large-scale technology, because we have no way of producing graphene on an industrial scale. ...

Defect-free coatings for silicon spheres

The prototype kilogram – to which all scales are calibrated to – is losing weight. International efforts are striving to redefine the base unit for measuring mass and, in future, redefine the kilogram on natural constants. ...

Microtechnology: Double-layer capping solves two problems

Continual downsizing of technology means that researchers have to develop ever more ingenious methods of packaging and protecting their tiny devices. Jae-Wung Lee and co-workers at the A*STAR Institute of Microelectronics, ...

Black silicon solar cells with record 18.7% efficiency

Scientists at Aalto University, Finland and Fraunhofer ISE, Germany report an efficiency of 18.7% for black silicon solar cells, the highest efficiency reported so far for a black silicon solar cell.

Polymer coating could be breakthrough in diagnostic technology

( —When physics professor Randy Heflin brought his 18-month-old daughter to the pediatrician, he didn't know the visit would provide the motivation for a discovery that could herald a breakthrough in diagnostic ...

Black silicon can take efficiency of solar cells to new levels

Scientists at Aalto University have demonstrated results that show a huge improvement in the light absorption and the surface passivation of silicon nanostructures. This has been achieved by applying atomic layer coating. ...

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