The origins of laughter

We know the benefits of laughter on health. But why do we laugh? What are the evolutionary origins of laughter and humour? Steven Légaré has asked these questions and has made them the subject of his master's thesis, which ...

Building blocks of life came from deep Earth

The rise of the first complex life depended on vital metals brought up to the Earth's surface from far below in vast granite deposits, a new study argues.

Having brothers delays sexual maturation in women

( -- Scientists in Perth, Western Australia, investigating the costs of brothers and sisters in contemporary Australian society, have discovered that girls with older brothers tend to start menstruation later, ...

Guppies lie about mate choice to trick rivals

When it comes to sex among guppies, competition is high for those at the top of the game. To get around this predicament, a recent study has shown, guppies use trickery.

Privacy issues shadow medical apps' claims to improve care

Smartphones and tablets are go-to gadgets to count calories, document daily jogs, measure heart rates and record sleep patterns. Some applications now even analyze blood sugar levels, track fertility or monitor moods for ...

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