Food quality matters for southern resident killer whales

Not all Chinook salmon are created equal, and this has a major impact on the energetics for southern resident killer whales. A recent study quantified the lipid content in Fraser River Chinook salmon—the southern resident's ...

Tracking ocean microplastics from space

New information about an emerging technique that could track microplastics from space has been uncovered by researchers at the University of Michigan. It turns out that satellites are best at spotting soapy or oily residue, ...

High-tide floods surge as climate changes and sea level rises

Over recent decades, coastal cities in the U.S. have experienced significant increases in floods that occur during high tide, which create dangerous driving conditions, road closures, groundwater contamination and other safety ...

The seasonality of oceanic carbon cycling

The ebb and flow of carbon within Earth's systems are complex and ever-moving occurrences. Carbon is a nomadic element, traveling between the atmosphere, ocean, and the soil, rock, and ice of the planet, changing forms along ...

New insights into seasons on a planet outside our solar system

Imagine being in a place where the winds are so strong that they move at the speed of sound. That's just one aspect of the atmosphere on XO-3b, one of a class of exoplanets (planets outside our solar system), known as hot ...

Spatial-temporal structure of ocean salinity seasonal variation

Salinity is always regarded as a natural water gauge. It plays a vital role in regulating ocean density, stratification and circulation. However, a holistic analysis of subsurface salinity down to 2,000 meters is lacking, ...

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