Scientists use seasons to find water for future Mars astronauts

An international team of researchers has used seasonal variations to identify likely sub-surface deposits of water ice in the temperate regions of Mars where it would be easiest for future human explorers to survive. The ...

Pandemic led to lower birth rates in wealthy countries

A team of researchers at Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, has found evidence showing that birth rates in wealthy countries have declined during the global pandemic. For their paper published in Proceedings of the National ...

How the shrew brain adapts to winter

Seasonal, energy-conserving neural adaptions could allow shrews to reduce their metabolic demands during winter, a study finds. Animals adapt to changing environmental conditions such as seasonal cycles to enhance their chances ...

Personalities promote adaptability

Bold great tits lay their eggs earlier when under threat, the shy ones put it off. Such personality differences help maintain the biological variation essential for the survival of populations, as LMU biologists have now ...

Rosetta data reveals more surprises about comet 67P

As the Rosetta spacecraft orbits comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, an international team of scientists have discovered that the comet's atmosphere, or coma, is much less homogenous than expected and comet outgassing varies ...

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