Fingerprints, revisited

For more than a century, forensic scientists have linked criminals to crime scenes through the distinctive loops and whorls on their fingertips. But now, researchers are moving beyond simple pattern comparisons to glean more ...

Thai forest rangers train to tackle wildlife crime

Camo-clad rangers ambush a camp in a lush Thai national park, kicking away a machete and a firearm and pinning two suspected poachers to the ground—part of a training exercise to counter a lucrative wildlife trade.

Novel technique to detect fingerprints

An innovative product that uses fluorescence to detect fingerprints has been developed by a team from the Laboratoire de Photophysique et Photochimie Supramoléculaire et Macromoléculaire (CNRS/ENS Cachan) in collaboration ...

DNA links 'Boston Strangler' to final victim

A breakthrough in DNA technology has linked the man who confessed to being the Boston Strangler to the last of the 1960s murders attributed to the notorious serial killer, officials said.

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