Flying robots get off the ground

Attaching a platform to a high-rise building to evacuate people in an emergency, or creating a landing stage for an aircraft on uneven terrain - these are just two areas in which flying robots could have a huge impact - potentially ...

LA thieves nabbed with 'find my phone' app

Police in California probing an armed robbery arrested two suspects by using the "Find My Phone" app on her stolen iPhone to locate the device, a spokeswoman said Tuesday.

Use of DNA evidence is not an open and shut case, professor says

( -- Whether used to clinch a guilty verdict or predict the end of a "CSI" episode, DNA evidence has given millions of people a sense of certainty -- but the outcomes of using DNA evidence have often been far ...

New technology keeps evidence close to the vest

( -- Each day, law enforcement officials are faced with the daunting task of investigating complex crime scenes without compromising evidence. Investigators know the slightest error could jeopardize a conviction, ...

Taiwan says no to Tiger Woods-style animated news

(AP) -- Taiwanese regulators have turned down an application for a television license from a Hong Kong company whose local affiliate conquered the Internet earlier this month with a fanciful video of golf star Tiger Woods' ...

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