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Toward fixing damaged hearts through tissue engineering

In the U.S., someone suffers a heart attack every 34 seconds—their heart is starved of oxygen and suffers irreparable damage. Engineering new heart tissue in the laboratory that could eventually be implanted into patients ...

A bio patch that can regrow bone

Researchers at the University of Iowa have created a bio patch to regenerate missing or damaged bone by putting DNA into a nano-sized particle that delivers bone-producing instructions directly into cells.

Dissecting the brain's primary developmental engine

( —Last month, researchers reported the creation of the first primitive brain-like structures made from human stem cells. To create the complex morphology of these cerebral organoids, cells within a proliferating ...

Unofficial 'Spider-Man' follows nature's lead

Eden Steven, a physicist at Florida State University's MagLab facility, discovered that simple methods can result in surprising and environmentally friendly high-tech outcomes during his experiments with spider silk and carbon ...

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