Strong forces at work in simple table salt

( —Inside the chemical processes to synthesize simple table salt crystals, or NaCl, intense electric fields, typically associated with particle accelerators, occur, according to Pacific Northwest National Laboratory ...

Smart sock for baby monitoring in funding campaign

( —Owlet Baby Monitors, a Salt Lake City business, is self-raising funds for its product, Owlet Vitals Monitor, a "smart" sock on the baby that can monitor vital signs and can send the information direct to a smartphone ...

US state home to new mega-warehouse for data

The new billion-dollar epicenter for fighting global cyberthreats sits just south of Salt Lake City, tucked away on a militia base at the foot of snow-capped mountains. The long, squat buildings are filled with super-powered ...

Fast or superfast water transport?

( —There were high hopes of using carbon nanotubes, particularly for ultra-fast water transport to desalinate seawater. However, a simulation now reveals that these ultra-fast transport rates might have not been ...

Mine disaster: Hundreds of aftershocks

A new University of Utah study has identified hundreds of previously unrecognized small aftershocks that happened after Utah's deadly Crandall Canyon mine collapse in 2007. The aftershocks suggest the collapse was as big ...

Salt causes chalk cliffs to collapse

Salt plays a greater role in undermining chalk cliffs than previously thought, say scientists. Until recently, if a chalk cliff collapsed it was blamed on waves eroding its base, or the chalk weakening as it became saturated ...

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