NASA's Perseverance rover plans next sample attempt on Mars

In its search for signs of ancient microbial life on Mars, NASA's Perseverance rover is once again preparing to collect the first of many rock core samples that could eventually be brought to Earth for further study.

Eliminating annoying loops and blisters in adhesives

Blisters (tiny air pockets) or loops in Band-Aids or tapes can be quite annoying and difficult to remove. What's more, they can also affect the materials used to make flexible electronics and soft robotics. Researchers from ...

Sex with robots: How should lawmakers respond?

Advancements in technology have resulted in the design of hyper–realistic, Wi-Fi–connected, programmable sex robots that can mimic human responses, but what do these developments mean for how we regulate interactions ...

Only slight chance of asteroid Bennu hitting Earth: NASA

An asteroid known as Bennu will pass within half the distance of the Earth to the Moon in the year 2135 but the probability of an impact with our planet in the coming centuries is very slight, scientists said Wednesday.

Video: European Robotic Arm ready for space

The European Robotic Arm (ERA) will be launched to the International Space Station together with the Russian Multipurpose Laboratory Module, called 'Nauka'. ERA is the first robot able to 'walk' around the Russian segment ...

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