New method shows role of elusive RNA in muscle regeneration

In recent years, scientists who study gene expression in cells have used a method that essentially pins a tail on RNA and tracks their whereabouts. However, certain types of RNA evade the process. Now, a Cornell team has ...

A new control system for synthetic genes

Using an approach based on CRISPR proteins, MIT researchers have developed a new way to precisely control the amount of a particular protein that is produced in mammalian cells.

A new technique for observing gene activity in a test tube

When searching for the causes of illnesses and developing new treatments, it is absolutely vital to have a precise understanding of the genetic fundamentals. Würzburg researchers have devised a new technique for this purpose.

RNA origami enables applications in synthetic biology

Developing tools for precise control of biological processes has been one of the main pillars of the now mature field of synthetic biology. These scientific tools borrow principles from a multitude of research fields which, ...

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