Japan's supply chain ripple effects

This past Monday marked the one-month anniversary of the earthquake that struck Japan on March 11. As the country braces for aftershocks in the months to come, businesses around the world are steeling themselves against ripples ...

Mars Dunes: On the Move?

(PhysOrg.com) -- New studies of ripples and dunes shaped by the winds on Mars testify to variability on that planet, identifying at least one place where ripples are actively migrating and another where the ripples have been ...

Rare noctilucent clouds seen over Northern Ireland

Armagh Observatory reports that rare noctilucent clouds were observed over Northern Ireland on the night of the 30/31 May. The so-called "night shining" clouds take various forms ranging from delicate feathery structures ...

Image: Layers and fractures in Ophir Chasma, Mars

Ophir Chasma forms the northern portion of the vast Mars canyon system Valles Marineris, and this image, acquired on Aug. 10, 2015, by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance ...

Auroras from space look like green ocean waves in new video

Doesn't this make you want to book a trip on the next spaceship? Stunning footage from space here shows what auroras look like from the International Space Station. So many ripples of green. Such awesomeness.

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