Related topics: cells

'Old' sperm produces healthier offspring

Sperm that live for longer before fertilising an egg produce healthier offspring—according to new research from the University of East Anglia and Uppsala University in Sweden.

Mysteries of the primrose unraveled

Plant scientists at the University of East Anglia have succeeded in unravelling the complete genome sequence of the common primrose—the plant whose reproductive biology captivated the Victorian naturalist Charles Darwin.

Why biodiversity is key to our survival

Diversity, be it genetic, morphological, behavioural or ecological, is at the heart of many controversies. It fascinates us or worries us, depending on the context. But what is biological diversity? How useful is it, how ...

Do female birds mate with multiple males to protect their young?

Blue tit females mate with more than one male. Several possible blue tit fathers may then work together to stop predators from attacking their young, according to new research from the University of Bergen. Philosopher Claus ...

Study questions life extension mechanism in roundworms

(—It's strange to think that there was a time when molecular cell biology was considered by professionals of other scientific specialties as disreputable or laughable. But the motivation for much cellular biology ...

Stem cell technique makes sperm in a dish

Scientists in China have finally succeeded in creating functioning sperm from mice in the laboratory. To accomplish this feat, the researchers coaxed mouse embryonic stem cells to turn into functional sperm-like cells, which ...

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