New microscopy method breaks color barrier of optical imaging

Researchers at Columbia University have made a significant step toward breaking the so-called "color barrier" of light microscopy for biological systems, allowing for much more comprehensive, system-wide labeling and imaging ...

Biologists develop new record bright red fluorescent protein

To understand why a cell divides, secretes hormones or transmits a signal to another cell, biologists often use a trick. They attach colored lights to the proteins of interest, so that they can follow the movements and interactions ...

Edible, fluorescent silk tags can suss out fake medications

Recent developments such as the explosion of online pharmacies and supply chain issues have made it easier for counterfeiters to profit from fake or adulterated medications. Now, researchers reporting in ACS Central Science ...

Protein for deeper insights into the brain

To be able to examine the function of individual cells or structures in intact tissue, these need to be visible. This may sound trivial, but it is not. To achieve this, researchers implant fluorescent proteins into cells. ...

Researchers visualize over 10,000 proteins of fruit flies

The human genome codes for more than 20,000 different proteins, however the molecular role for many of these proteins is not known. As most proteins are conserved from fly to humans, understanding the molecular role of a ...

Synthetic biology yields new approach to gene therapy

Bioengineers at The University of Texas at Dallas have created a novel gene-delivery system that shuttles a gene into a cell, but only for a temporary stay, providing a potential new gene-therapy strategy for treating disease.

Bright red fluorescent protein created

After years of trying, biologists have succeeded in creating an extremely bright red fluorescent protein in the lab. This is good news for researchers, including cancer and stem cell researchers, who use fluorescent proteins ...

Solving molecular structures

Determining the chemical formula of a protein is fairly straightforward, because all proteins are essentially long chains of molecules called amino acids. Each chain, however, folds into a unique three-dimensional shape that ...

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