Revealing atomistic structures behind AFM imaging

Atomic force microscopy (AFM) allows us to visualize the dynamics of single biomolecules during their functional activity. All observations are, however, restricted to regions accessible by a fairly big probing tip during ...

Chemists reveal how tau proteins form tangles

One of the hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease is the presence of neurofibrillary tangles in the brain. These tangles, made of tau proteins, impair neurons' ability to function normally and can cause the cells to die.

New study characterizes behavior of human plastins in cells

A family of proteins that have a role in ensuring many types of cells move and maintain their shape may promote disease when they act like workaholics and disrupt the cellular environment, new research suggests.

Tiny protein 'squeezes' cells, may be key to division

A protein that causes a cell's skeleton to bend, allowing it to twist the cell into different shapes, could be key to how cells divide according to University of Warwick scientists.

How cells recycle the machinery that drives their motility?

Research groups at University of Helsinki and Institut Jacques Monod, Paris, discovered a new molecular mechanism that promotes cell migration. The discovery sheds light on the mechanisms that drive uncontrolled movement ...

Frozen: Cutting-edge technology reveals structures within cells

Temperatures of -196 degrees Celsius enable high-resolution imaging of the cell's interior. Researchers at the Institute of Science and Technology (IST) Austria are thus able to show for the first time how the active form ...

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