Novel sensors to detect molecules for medicine and agrifood

(—Agribusiness and medicine are constantly seeking more efficient methods for detecting biomolecules. To meet this need, a novel concept of miniaturized sensors has been developed by researchers from LAAS-CNRS ...

3Qs: Considering new data on genetically modified corn

An article recently pub­lished in the journal Food and Chem­ical Tox­i­cology shows the results of a two-​​year study on the health effects of a corn species pro­duced by the agri­cul­tural giant, Mon­santo. The ...

Droughts could cause collapse of food webs

(—Critically low water levels in many rivers could lead to the partial collapse of food webs that support aquatic life, according to a study co-authored by a University of Leeds researcher.

Sustainable farming part of larger ecological picture

(—A larger-scale approach to sustainable farming could be more beneficial for wildlife than our current system of farm-based payments, according to University of Leeds researchers.

Standard test may miss food ingredients that cause milk allergy

The standard test used to detect milk-protein residues in processed foods may not work as well as previously believed in all applications, sometimes missing ingredients that can cause milk allergy, the most common childhood ...

Understanding how bacteria come back from the dead

Salmonella remains a serious cause of food poisoning in the UK and throughout the EU, in part due to its ability to thrive and quickly adapt to the different environments in which it can grow. New research involving a team ...

Breeding better grasses for food and fuel

Researchers from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) Sustainable Bioenergy Centre (BSBEC) have discovered a family of genes that could help us breed grasses with improved properties for diet ...

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