Gold catalysts made simple with new technique

Scientists from Cardiff University have created a new and simple method for creating catalysts made from precious metals and have shown that gold still remains the most stable and efficient of them all.

Atomic defect lines suppress deactivation of iron oxide catalysts

Catalysts, or substances that accelerate chemical reactions, have various industrial applications. One widely used catalyst in catalytic converters is palladium, which helps turn toxic carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons from ...

Gem-like nanoparticles of precious metals shine as catalysts

A Northwestern University research team has developed a new method for making highly desirable catalysts from metal nanoparticles that could lead to better fuel cells, among other applications. The researchers also discovered ...

High reaction rates even without precious metals

Non-precious metal nanoparticles could one day replace expensive catalysts for hydrogen production. However, it is often difficult to determine what reaction rates they can achieve, especially when it comes to oxide particles. ...

A superior, low-cost catalyst for water-splitting

In a significant step toward large-scale hydrogen production, researchers at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) have developed a low-cost catalyst that can speed up the splitting of water to produce hydrogen gas.

A protective shield for sensitive enzymes in biofuel cells

An international team of researchers has developed a new mechanism to protect enzymes from oxygen as biocatalysts in fuel cells. The enzymes, known as hydrogenases, are just as efficient as precious metal catalysts, but unstable ...

New natural gas catalyst would boost clean transportation

Thanks to advances in drilling technology, there is enough natural gas in the U.S. to last well into next century and beyond. This has renewed the idea of using inexpensive, domestically produced natural gas as a transportation ...

Recruiting manganese to upgrade carbon dioxide

OIST researchers developed simple catalysts based on Earth-abundant manganese to use carbon dioxide for energy storage or turn it into useful chemicals for the industry.

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