Simulations predict mysterious biological processes of the cell

The research group of Lucie Delemotte, Associate Professor in computational biophysics at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden, is focusing on understanding the function of ion channels in cell membranes. ...

New discovery may hold key to fighting deadly infections

Centenary Institute research has revealed new insight into tackling mycobacterial infections which are responsible for chronic diseases that include tuberculosis (TB), leprosy and serious skin ulcerations.

Achieving higher performance with potassium ion battery

Supercapacitors are emerging as alternatives to lithium-ion batteries, offering higher power densities and longer lifetimes (number of cycles where capacity is maintained). A supercapacitor is like a cross between a battery ...

Missing 'key' could overcome drug discovery barrier

Scientists have found a missing 'key' that unlocks critical channels responsible for potassium ions to flow across cell membranes in a process that is essential for life. The discovery overcomes a major barrier to the development ...

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