How plant roots sense and react to soil flooding

While we already knew that plant roots were capable of sensing many individual soil characteristics (water, nutrients and oxygen availability), we did not have any understanding of how they integrated these signals in order ...

US detects 'minuscule' radioactivity from Japan

A radiation monitor in California detected a "minuscule" amount of an isotope from Japan's crippled nuclear power plant, officials said Friday, but insisted it was of no concern.

US boosts radiation monitoring in western states

The United States is deploying extra radiation monitors to western US outposts Alaska, Hawaii and Guam to detect any fallout from Japan's crippled nuclear plant, an official said Thursday.

Blood samples show deadly frog fungus at work in the wild

The fungal infection that has killed a record number of amphibians worldwide leads to deadly dehydration in frogs in the wild, according to a new study by University of California, Berkeley and San Francisco State University ...

A novel mechanism for fast regulation of gene expression

Our genome, we are taught, operates by sending instructions for the manufacture of proteins from DNA in the nucleus of the cell to the protein-synthesizing machinery in the cytoplasm. These instructions are conveyed by a ...

New discovery may hold key to fighting deadly infections

Centenary Institute research has revealed new insight into tackling mycobacterial infections which are responsible for chronic diseases that include tuberculosis (TB), leprosy and serious skin ulcerations.

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