Related topics: police

NYC transit agency has data breach

The personal information of approximately 15,000 New York City Transit Authority workers has been found on a compact disc inside a refurbished computer sold by a retailer.

UK police trial vest-mounted cameras after killing

London's police force said Thursday it was rolling out vest-mounted video cameras to some of the capital's 2,300 firearms officers, hoping to help build public confidence after a contentious inquest verdict on a fatal shooting.

Los Angeles police tests new electric motorcycles

The Los Angeles Police Department is testing two types of electric motorcycles as part of an effort to increase efficiency, decrease its carbon footprint and ultimately cut costs.

New Zealand police ordered to return Dotcom material

A New Zealand judge on Friday ordered police to return any digital material seized in an armed raid on Internet mogul Kim Dotcom's mansion last year not directly related to the prosecution against him.

Impossible jobs are possible, but thankless researchers say

( —In most jobs, performance dictates employment, promotion and prestige. Two University of Arkansas education reform researchers, Robert Maranto and Patrick Wolf, looked at "impossible jobs," such as police commissioners ...

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