Related topics: police

Ark. police photograph license plates, store data

(AP)—Little Rock may not be a likely terrorism target or a gang crime hotspot, but the Arkansas capital is following the example of high-security cities by expanding electronic surveillance of its streets.

NYPD, Microsoft create crime-fighting tech system (Update)

An emergency call comes in about a possible bomb in lower Manhattan and an alert pops up on computer screens at the New York Police Department, instantly showing officers an interactive map of the neighborhood, footage from ...

New York police get X-ray vision

The New York Police Department already has the long arm of the law. Now it gets X-ray eyes.

US Homeland Security sued for drone details

The Electronic Frontier Foundation said Wednesday it has sued the US Department of Homeland Security to obtain details about Predator drones on loan to domestic police departments.

Protect privacy from drones at home, lawmakers say

Before thousands of civilian drones begin flying in U.S. skies, Congress should take steps to protect the public's privacy and prevent terrorists from hacking or jamming signals that control the aircraft, lawmakers said Thursday.

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