Oceans of garbage prompt war on plastics

Faced with images of turtles smothered by plastic bags, beaches carpeted with garbage and islands of trash floating in the oceans, environmentalists say the world is waking up to the need to tackle plastic pollution at the ...

Nepal attempts record with a Dead Sea of plastic bags

Young Nepalis created a map of the Dead Sea with used plastic bags Wednesday in a bid to set a new international record and raise awareness about the vast volumes polluting the world's oceans.

COP24: How a plastics treaty could clean up our oceans

It seems new action to tackle plastic pollution is announced every week, from the 5p plastic bag charge to governments debating a tax on plastic packaging. Businesses are also showing their green credentials as major supermarkets ...

Understanding 'green' consumers key to business success

Massey University Ph.D. graduate Dr. Fred Angels Musika set out to develop a reliable way of measuring green consumer consciousness to better understand the decision-making processes of this growing market segment.

Dead whale had 115 plastic cups, 2 flip-flops in its stomach

A dead whale that washed ashore in eastern Indonesia had a large lump of plastic waste in its stomach, including drinking cups, bottles and flip-flops, a park official said Tuesday, causing concern among environmentalists ...

University working hard to reduce use of plastic bags

A year ago, China enacted a trash import ban on 24 varieties of waste, which brought the world into a state of environmental panic. Now, countries are not easily able to dispose of their trash like they have in the past.

Burundi plans plastic bag ban

Burundi's president, Pierre Nkurunziza, has issued a decree banning the use of plastic bags in the small central African country within the next 18 months.

France to set penalities on non-recycled plastic next year

France plans to introduce a penalty system next year that would increase the costs of consumer goods with packaging made of non-recycled plastic, part of a pledge to use only recycled plastic nationwide by 2025, an environment ...

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