New insights into the bacterial immune system

A research team from Kiel University describes an unknown defense mechanism in bacteria that selectively wards off foreign and potentially harmful genetic information.

Two-part system turns stem cells into whatever you want

Whether using embryonic or adult stem cells, coercing these master cells to convert to the desired target cell and reproduce flawlessly is difficult. Now an international team of researchers has a two-part system that can ...

Antibiotic resistance driven by intragenomic co-evolution

Scientists have discovered bacteria are able to "fine-tune" their resistance to antibiotics – raising the possibility of some superbugs being resistant to drugs which they have never even been in contact with.

Protein could put antibiotic-resistant bugs in handcuffs

Staph infections that become resistant to multiple antibiotics don't happen because the bacteria themselves adapt to the drugs, but because of a kind of genetic parasite they carry called a plasmid that helps its host survive ...

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