Electric shock to petroleum coke generates sustainable graphene

Researchers at Texas A&M University and ExxonMobil are developing a method to reprocess petroleum coke—a byproduct of refining crude oil—into a sustainable, high-value alternative. Using a chemical process called electrochemical ...

Long-standing plant biochemistry mystery solved

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory and collaborators at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden have discovered how an enzyme "knows" where to insert a double bond when desaturating ...

Turning wood into plastic

Efforts to shift from petrochemical plastics to renewable and biodegradable plastics have proven tricky—the production process can require toxic chemicals and is expensive, and the mechanical strength and water stability ...

Metal-organic frameworks cut energy consumption of petrochemicals

In the chemical and the petrochemical industries, separating molecules in an energy-efficient way is one of the most important challenges. Overall, the separation processes account for around 40% of the energy consumed in ...

New process targets valuable green chemicals

(Phys.org) —Milk cartons, plastic bags, car seats... the list of items made from petroleum extends far beyond fuel, increasing our reliance on limited fossil resources. That's why researchers in the Great Lakes Bioenergy ...

Sensible use of biomass: A chemical industry based on renew

(PhysOrg.com) -- Our industrialized world is largely dependent on fossil resources, whether for the generation of energy, as a fuel, or as a feedstock for the chemical industry. The environmental problems related to this ...

A thin-skinned catalyst for chemical reactions

A chemical nanostructure developed by Boston College researchers behaves much like the pores of the skin, serving as a precise control for a typically stubborn method of catalysis that is the workhorse of industrial chemistry.

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