Related topics: birds

Researchers go 'cuckoo' over Antarctic penguin poop

Antarctica's king penguins emit such copious amounts of nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, via their faeces that researchers went a little "cuckoo" studying them, according to a Danish scientific study published Thursday.

HK penguins chill during pandemic while carers work overtime

Save for an absence of gawping crowds, life for the penguins of Hong Kong's Ocean Park has been much the same during the coronavirus pandemic—but their carers have worked long shifts to keep the monochrome troupe healthy.

For Singapore penguins, shuttered zoo is flippin' fun

One cute group is making the most of Singapore's partial virus lockdown—penguins at the city-state's zoo, who are being given the run of the empty complex and revelling in the chance to do some exploring.

Counting Antarctic penguins with AI

the British Antarctic Survey, the world's largest Emperor penguin colony has suffered unprecedented breeding issues for the past three years, is uniquely vulnerable to ongoing and projected climate change, and could virtually ...

Debunking the viral tales of wombat 'heroes'

If you've been following the bushfire crisis on social media and elsewhere, you may have seen reports of benevolent wombats herding other animals to shelter into their fire-proof burrows.

When penguins ruled after dinosaurs died

What waddled on land but swam supremely in subtropical seas more than 60 million years ago, after the dinosaurs were wiped out on sea and land?

Study reveals climate change impact on Antarctic penguins

Antarctic penguins have been on the forefront of climate change, experiencing massive changes to their natural habitat as the world's temperatures and human activity in the region have increased. Now, new research has revealed ...

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