Researchers develop a new source of quantum light

Using novel materials that have been widely studied as potential new solar photovoltaics, researchers at MIT have shown that nanoparticles of these materials can emit a stream of single, identical photons.

Apochromatic X-ray focusing

A team of scientists from the Paul Scherrer Institut, the University of Basel and DESY have demonstrated the first-ever realization of apochromatic X-ray focusing using a tailored combination of a refractive lens and a Fresnel ...

A novel method for enhancing optical properties of MXenes

Two-dimensional layered materials are a novel class of materials that exhibit strong and distinctive light-matter interactions, offering broad application prospects in optoelectronic devices and photonic elements. These materials ...

New fluorescent dyes help illuminate microscopic life

Inspired by the mechanism behind light-sensitive sunglasses, a team led by a North Carolina State University researcher invented a family of fluorescent dyes to illuminate biological processes at a very small scale—comparable ...

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