How epigenetic switches control gene expression

Scientists at Tokyo Institute of Technology have deciphered how to quantitatively assess the effects of specific epigenetic changes on the rate of transcription by developing a mathematical model. Using their method, they ...

New discovery of a mechanism that controls cell division

Researchers at UmeƄ University, Sweden, have discovered that how a special protein complex called the Mediator moves along genes in DNA may have an impact on how cells divide. The discovery may be important for future research ...

How a microbial biorefinery regulates genes

Microorganisms that can break down plant biomass into the precursors of biodiesel or other commodity chemicals might one day be used to produce alternatives to petroleum. But the potential of this "biorefinery" technology ...

Researchers unravel mystery of DNA conformation

An iconic photograph ( of Nobel laureates Drs. Francis Crick and James Watson show the pair discussing with a rigid model of the famous double helix.

Quality control is vital for the energy production of cells

Mitochondria generate most of the energy cells need through a respiratory chain for which they must produce their own proteins. The research group of Associate Professor Henna Tyynismaa, University of Helsinki, Finland, has ...

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