Fukushima operator TEPCO triples net loss forecast

Fukushima nuclear plant operator TEPCO on Monday slashed its outlook for the fiscal year to March, warning it expected to lose about $1.29 billion or almost three times an earlier estimate.

Bulgarian nuclear vote set to fail

Low turnout appears to have scuppered a Bulgarian referendum on whether the former Communist nation should build a second nuclear power plant.

Reacting to meltdown

The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) has helped CEA (Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission of France) measure high temperature reference standards in one of their research furnaces, which are used in studies ...

A new clean nuclear fusion reactor has been designed

A researcher at the Universidad politécnica de Madrid (UPM, Spain) has patented a nuclear fusion reactor by inertial confinement that, apart from be used to generate electric power in plants, can be applied to propel ships.

Nuclear power emerges as new Japan campaign issue

The future of nuclear power in Fukushima-scarred Japan has emerged as a major campaign issue for the first time in weekend polls, but experts warn little thought has gone into how to replace atomic energy.

Nuclear power plants located in tsunami risk zones

On March 11 2011, the world watched in awe at the sheer destructive power of the tsunami that struck Japan. The tsunami followed an earthquake off the east coast of Japan, which reached 9.0 on the Richter scale - the largest ...

Reactor at Bulgarian nuclear plant shut down

A 1,000-megawatt reactor at Bulgaria's Kozloduy nuclear plant was temporarily shut down early Saturday due to a turbogenerator problem, but no rise in radioactivity was recorded, a statement said.

Japan PM renews plea for nuclear restart

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda on Friday renewed his call for the re-firing of idle nuclear reactors, saying Japan could not do without atomic energy, but stopped short of ordering a restart.

Climate change expert: Australia will go nuclear by 2030

A University of Adelaide scientist believes it is inevitable that Australia will become a user of the world's most advanced nuclear power technology, if the country is serious about cutting carbon emissions.

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