Poland may delay launch of nuclear plants

Poland could delay building its first nuclear power plants as natural gas, including shale gas, becomes less costly, the prime minister of the central European heavyweight said Tuesday.

High-Access Survey Robot begins work at nuclear power station

Honda Motor and the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) have jointly developed a remotely controlled survey robot that will conduct on-site surveys on the first floor of a nuclear reactor ...

Thousands rally against nuclear power in Tokyo

Thousands of anti-nuclear demonstrators rallied in the Japanese capital Tokyo on Sunday as conservative Prime Minister Shinzo Abe considers restarting reactors.

No health risk from Fukushima radiation, UN says

Radiation leaked after Japan's Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011 is unlikely to cause any ill health effects in the future, a UN scientific committee drawing up a major new report said Friday.

Farmers plant rice near crippled Fukushima site

Farmers have resumed planting rice for market only 15 kilometres (nine miles) from Japan's crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station, a local official said Wednesday.

Coal-fired power plants making Europeans sick, report says

Emissions from coal-fired power plants in the European Union contribute to over 18,000 premature deaths a year and cost an annual 42.8 billion euros, a report from the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) said Thursday.

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