Shape-shifting alloys hold promise

Imagine untwisting a finger-size spring, then holding the flame from a lighter underneath the unraveled section. Like magic, it twirls itself into a spring again because the metal alloy remembered its original shape.

Ultra-high-strength metamaterial developed using graphene

New metamaterial has been developed exhibiting hundreds of times greater strength than pure metals. Researchers from KAIST have developed a composite nanomaterial. The nanomaterial consists of graphene inserted in copper ...

Pressure cooker on steroids treats human waste

Like alchemists, engineers from Duke University and the University of Missouri are developing a process to turn sewage into drinkable water, energy and useful byproducts at a cost of less than a nickel per person per day.

Nanoparticle opens the door to clean-energy alternatives

( —Cheaper clean-energy technologies could be made possible thanks to a new discovery. Research team members led by Raymond Schaak, a professor of chemistry at Penn State University, have found that an important ...

Hot Wheels: Subaru unveils its first hybrid

Subaru is coming out with a gas-electric hybrid crossover SUV for the crunchy granola crowd that wants to save fuel but still haul kayaks to the river.

Indecisive quanta

(—In ytterbium nickel phosphide there is a quantum critical point between the ferromagnetic and non-magnetic states that was previously not thought possible.

Researchers develop new method of controlling nanodevices

(—Electromagnetic devices, from power drills to smart-phones, require an electric current to create the magnetic fields that allow them to function. But with smaller devices, efficiently delivering a current to ...

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