Metal in the heart is non-hazardous to health

Materials Scientists at the University of Jena examine implants made of nickel-titanium alloy in a long-term study: The team led by Professor Rettenmayr and his colleague Dr. Andreas Undisz report in the current issue of ...

New way to measure electron pair interactions

Shoot a beam of light or particles at certain special materials and you will liberate electrons—pairs of them—a phenomenon known as "electron pair emission," which can reveal fundamental properties of the solid and reveal ...

When less is more: Fewer proton relays improve catalytic rates

( —By directly comparing three closely related catalysts, scientists at the Center for Molecular Electrocatalysis established that hydrogen production speed and efficiency are influenced by the molecules' structure ...

Researchers identify plants that could be mined for metals

( —Mount Kinabalu is well known to climbers and adventurers all over the world – now a University of Queensland researcher is putting the Borneo mountain region on the map for trees that contain some of the world's ...

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