Related topics: brain ยท neurons

Single gene has major impact on gaits in horses and in mice

Researchers at Uppsala University, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and their international collaborators have discovered a mutation in a single gene in horses that is critical for the ability to perform ambling ...

Elusive prey

Escape responses are some of the most studied behaviors by neurobiologists who want to understand how the brain processes sensory information. The ability to evade predators plays a vital role in the process of natural selection. ...

Unlocking the secret(ase) of building neural circuits

Mutant presenilin is infamous for its role in the most aggressive form of Alzheimer's disease -- early-onset familial Alzheimer's -- which can strike people as early as their 30s. In their latest study, researchers at the ...

Organized chaos gets robots going (Update)

( -- Even simple insects can generate quite different movement patterns with their six legs. The animal uses various gaits depending on whether it crawls uphill or downhill, slowly or fast. Scientists from Gottingen ...

New model suggests how the brain might stay in balance

( -- Physicists have theorized for decades about how neural networks might be able to accomplish the incredibly complex calculations the human brain performs all the time. But simply stabilizing such a powerful ...

New insights into the formation of faeces

New research from Flinders University has uncovered further details on how the guinea pig gut forms solid fecal pellets, providing potential insights that could help in the management of human bowel issues.

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