Related topics: brain · neurons

Can your sense of smell predict when you'll die?

By measuring how worms move toward an appealing, food-like scent, researchers at the Salk Institute were able to predict whether the worms would be long-lived. The finding, publishing September 22, 2015 in the journal eLife, ...

Neuron circuit may enable pitch perception applications

The first FitzHugh-Nagumo neuron circuit designed to include noise and exhibit the Ghost Stochastic Resonance effect has been presented by researchers from Université de Bourgogne in France. Their circuit operates according ...

New tool has potential for brain mapping

A new tool being developed by UT Arlington assistant professor of physics could help scientists map and track the interactions between neurons inside different areas of the brain.

Flies with personality

( —Fruit flies may have more individuality and personality than we imagine.

Scientists identify likely origins of vertebrate air breathing

University of Alaska Fairbanks scientists have identified what they think is the ancestral trait that allowed for the evolution of air breathing in vertebrates. They will present their research at the 42nd annual meeting ...

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