Using machine learning to estimate stellar ages

Researchers from Keele University have developed a machine learning technique that helps astronomers better estimate the ages of stars from the chemicals within their atmospheres. The new research will be presented at the ...

A tailored and rapid approach for ozonation catalyst design

In a new study published in the journal Environmental Science and Ecotechnology, researchers from the Chinese Research Academy of Environment Sciences have employed machine learning, specifically the artificial neural network ...

Mapping beaver dams with machine learning

North American beavers transform ecosystems with their engineering prowess. By ponding water, excavating channels, and foraging nearby vegetation, they drastically alter landscapes across a variety of environments, from tundra ...

Revealing how an embryo's cells sync up

Scientists have known that when a mouse embryo is developing, the cells that will become its spine and muscles switch specific genes on and off repeatedly, in a synchronous fashion. However, there are deep mysteries about ...

Self-checking algorithm interprets gravitational-wave data

When two black holes merge, they emit gravitational waves that race through space and time at the speed of light. When these reach Earth, large detectors in the United States (LIGO), Italy (Virgo) and Japan (KAGRA) can detect ...

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