Cancer is a p53 protein aggregation disease

Protein aggregation, generally associated with Alzheimer's and mad cow disease, turns out to play a significant role in cancer. In a paper published in Nature Chemical Biology, Frederic Rousseau and Joost Schymkowitz of VIB, ...

Worm research defines the role of multiple disease genes in cilia

( -- University College Dublin researchers led by Conway Fellow, Dr Oliver Blacque have outlined how cilia disease gene products regulate important aspects of early cilium formation and the integrity of the ciliary ...

Antibiotic offers potential for anti-cancer activity

An antibiotic known for its immunosuppressive functions could also point the way to the development of new anti-cancer agents, researchers at the Indiana University School of Medicine have reported.

Discovering water's role within a protein

A team of researchers from Case Western Reserve University has identified a way to probe water molecules deep inside proteins, exposing a communication network mobilized when proteins are turned "on."

BBS proteins shown to run an export business that protects cilia

A protein complex mutated in human disease removes excess signaling molecules to prevent them from damaging cilia, say researchers from UMass Medical School. The study will be published in the December 28 issue of the Journal ...

Promising new treatment for Alzheimer's suggested

Research carried out at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem has resulted in a promising approach to help treat Alzheimer's disease in a significant proportion of the population that suffers from a particularly rapid development ...

PER:PER protein pair required for circadian clock function

( -- Scientists from Queen Mary, University of London have discovered a new protein complex operating in fruit fly circadian clocks, which may also help to regulate our own biological clocks.

Turning silenced cancer genes back into fighters

Working with human colon cancer cells and mice, researchers led by experts at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center say they have successfully blocked the activity of portions of a protein known as UHRF1 and restored the ...

Pig stress syndrome linked to gene defect

Undergoing surgery, even a minor procedure, can be stressful for anyone. But for people who have malignant hyperthermia, a hereditary disease that's triggered by certain drugs used for general anesthesia, it can also be dangerous.

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