Related topics: skeletal muscle · muscle

Working out in artificial gravity

Astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS) have a number of exercise options, including a mechanical bicycle bolted to the floor, a weightlifting machine strapped to the wall, and a strap-down treadmill. They spend ...

Research suggests women lose more muscle than men in spaceflight

New research published ahead of print in the Journal of Applied Physiology suggests women lose more muscle than men in a microgravity environment such as spaceflight. The study "represent[s] the longest bed rest study on ...

Counteracting bone and muscle loss in microgravity

In microgravity, without the continuous load of Earth's gravity, the tissues that make up bones reshape themselves. Bone cells readjust their behaviors—the cells that build new bone slow down, while the cells that break ...

New tool identifies which cells will best repair muscles

Cells harvested from your own muscles could one day improve or even save your life if you are suffering from muscle loss after disease or an injury. The implantation of muscle cells offers an incredibly promising treatment ...

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