Scientists discover a role for 'junk' DNA

Researchers at the University of Michigan Life Sciences Institute and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute have determined how satellite DNA, considered to be "junk DNA," plays a crucial role in holding the genome together.

Big-data analysis reveals gene sharing in mice

Rice University scientists have detected at least three instances of cross-species mating that likely influenced the evolutionary paths of "old world" mice, two in recent times and one in the distant past.

No evidence for 30-nm chromatin fibers in the mouse genome

Scientists in Canada and the United States have used three-dimensional imaging techniques to settle a long-standing debate about how DNA and structural proteins are packaged into chromatin fibres. The researchers, whose findings ...

Bacterial colonization of the lung also depends on the host genome

The lung is by no means a sterile place, as was assumed for a long time. In fact, it actually harbors a diverse microbial ecosystem. We know from previous studies that changes in the lung microbiome are associated with diseases ...

First mouse model with mitochondrial tRNALeu mutation developed

Studying the role of mitochondria—the specialized structures within cells responsible for energy production—in metabolic diseases has been difficult because of a lack of animal models with the necessary mitochondrial ...

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