Related topics: species

Distribution atlas of butterflies in Europe

Scientists present the largest distribution data compilation ever on butterflies of an entire continent. The Germany based Society for the Conservation of Butterflies and Moths GfS ("Gesellschaft für Schmetterlingsschutz"), ...

How the hawkmoth sees, hovers and tracks flowers in the dark

It's difficult enough to see things in the dark, but what if you also had to hover in mid-air while tracking a flower moving in the wind? That's the challenge the hummingbird-sized hawkmoth (Manduca sexta) must overcome while ...

Moth females use scent proximity to attract mates

Female moths deemed unworthy or unattractive to male moths can increase their odds of attracting a mate by emitting their sex pheromones - their "come-hither" scents - in close proximity to attractive females, according to ...

Invasive Nettle Moth Triggers Hawaii Research

( -- Like children everywhere, kids in Hawaii love to run barefoot through tall grass. But an invasive pest called the nettle moth caterpillar can take the fun out of this simple childhood pleasure, according ...

Crystal clear: Lepidopterans have many ways of being transparent

Butterflies and moths have beautiful wings: The bright flare of an orange monarch, the vivid stripes of a swallowtail, the luminous green of a Luna moth. But some butterflies flutter on even more dramatic wings: Parts of ...

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