Related topics: species

Scent guides hawk moths to the best-fitting flowers

That the morphology of many pollinators corresponds strikingly to the shape of the flowers they pollinate was observed more than 150 years ago by Charles Darwin. He described this perfect mutual adaptation of flowers and ...

How moths key into the scent of a flower

Moths need just the essence of a flower's scent to identify it, according to new research from The University of Arizona in Tucson.

Fossil moths show their true colors

The brightest hues in nature are produced by tiny patterns in, say, feathers or scales rather than pigments. These so-called "structural colors" are widespread, giving opals their fire, people their blue eyes, and peacocks ...

Moths tell us how organisms use resources

( -- Using a one-of-its-kind flight arena, University of Arizona entomologist Goggy Davidowitz and his group study how giant hawk moths use energy resources for two of nature's most costly evolutionary traits: ...

Large moths need to hear better

Bats orient themselves through echolocation, and they find their prey by emitting calls and then process the echoes reflected back to them from the prey. Small insects reflect small echo signals, and large insects reflect ...

The differing olfactory worlds of female and male silk moths

A team of researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, together with colleagues from the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany, has studied olfaction in female silk moths. Using electrophysiological ...

Why Female Moths are Big and Beautiful

( -- In most animal species, males and females show obvious differences in body size. But how can this be, given that both sexes share the same genes governing their growth? University of Arizona entomologists ...

New butterfly species identified in Yucatan peninsula

About 160,000 species of butterflies and moths are already known, but scientists believe that a similar number still remain undiscovered. Identification and characterization of these species can be complicated by the fact ...

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