NASA cans lunar rover after spending $450 million building it

NASA announced Wednesday that cost overruns and delays have forced it to cancel a planned moon rover it already spent $450 million to develop, marking a significant setback for the agency's lunar exploration program.

Australians vote on name for home-made moon rover

Australians began voting Monday on a name for the country's first home-made moon rover, with a shortlist including "Mateship", "Roo-ver" and "Kakirra"—an Indigenous word for the Earth's satellite.

Image: Readying a little rover

An engineer prepares a small rover for testing in a thermal vacuum chamber on Oct. 24, 2023, at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California.

Exploring the lunar south pole: Lessons from Chandrayaan-3

On August 23 the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) successfully landed a spacecraft on the moon's south pole, a location that has always been of particular interest to scientists due to the unique conditions created ...

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