Related topics: cells · protein · molecules

Sensing ultraviolet light with the help of molecular switches

The old saying "the dose makes the poison" also holds true for ultraviolet (UV) light. While UV light is essential for vitamin D production, it is also important in phototherapy, several industrial processes, and plant growth. ...

Autophagy: The molecular regulation of self-eating

Autophagy, or "self-eating", is an essential cellular quality control mechanism that clears the cell of protein aggregates and damaged organelles. This mechanism is inactive under normal conditions and only triggered upon ...

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Molecular switch

A molecular switch is a molecule that can be reversibly shifted between two or more stable states. The molecules may be shifted between the states in response to changes in e.g. pH, light, temperature, an electrical current, microenvironment, or the presence of a ligand. In some cases, a combination of stimuli are utilized. The oldest forms of synthetic molecular switches are pH indicators, which display distinct colors as a function of pH. Currently synthetic molecular switches are of interest in the field of nanotechnology for application in molecular computers. Molecular switches are also important to in biology because many biological functions are based on it, for instance allosteric regulation and vision. They are also one of the simplest examples of molecular machines.

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