Water molecule discovery contradicts textbook models

Textbook models will need to be re-drawn after a team of researchers found that water molecules at the surface of salt water are organized differently than previously thought.

Forecasting microbiomes for sustainability and health

Microbial communities, or microbiomes, are essential for safeguarding human and environmental health through the most widely used biotechnological process on our planet: biological wastewater treatment.

Astronomers discover infant 'escaping star'

Stars escape from their birth place and eventually become dispersed across the galaxy. This is an important process in galactic evolution. Theoretical studies suggest two possible reasons why stars escape. First, stars may ...

Newly-discovered 'margarita snails' from the Florida Keys

The "Margaritaville" in Jimmy Buffett's famous song isn't a real place, but it's long been associated with the Florida Keys. This string of tropical islands is home to the only living coral barrier reef in the continental ...

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