Related topics: protein · cells · cancer cells · genes · chromosomes

Molecules form gels to help cells sense and respond to stress

A specific protein inside cells senses threatening changes in its environment, such as heat or starvation, and triggers an adaptive response to help the cell continue to function and grow under stressful conditions, according ...

Dozens of mammals could be susceptible to SARS-CoV-2

Numerous animals may be vulnerable to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, according to a large study modelling how the virus might infect different animals' cells, led by UCL researchers.

Study links nano and macro aspects of everyday force

Without the force called friction, cars would skid off the roadway, humans couldn't stride down the sidewalk, and objects would tumble off your kitchen counter and onto the floor. Even so, how friction works at a molecular ...

New cell division mechanism discovered

Canadian and British researchers have discovered that chromosomes play an active role in animal cell division. This occurs at a precise stage - cytokinesis - when the cell splits into two new daughter cells. It was observed ...

Researchers visualize over 10,000 proteins of fruit flies

The human genome codes for more than 20,000 different proteins, however the molecular role for many of these proteins is not known. As most proteins are conserved from fly to humans, understanding the molecular role of a ...

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