Related topics: protein · genes · cells

'Whodunnit' of Irish potato famine solved

An international team of scientists reveals that a unique strain of potato blight they call HERB-1 triggered the Irish potato famine of the mid-19th century.

New mechanism discovered in meiosis

Inactivated, but still active– how modification of an enzyme governs critical processes in sexual reproduction.

Pig stress syndrome linked to gene defect

Undergoing surgery, even a minor procedure, can be stressful for anyone. But for people who have malignant hyperthermia, a hereditary disease that's triggered by certain drugs used for general anesthesia, it can also be dangerous.

Against-the-clock rehearsal for Station immunology test

Simply getting anything into space is tough, but doing so against a strict deadline can be really stressful. Researchers in an ESA laboratory nervously checked the clock as they extracted immune cells – beginning a full ...

Insights into deadly coral bleaching could help preserve reefs

Coral reefs are stressed the world over and could be in mortal danger because of climate change. But why do some corals die and others not, even when exposed to the same environmental conditions? An interdisciplinary research ...

Working toward drought-tolerant wheat

South Dakota State University scientists must develop varieties of wheat that can tolerate drought, according to molecular biologist Jai Rohila, assistant professor of biology and microbiology. That is the key to making agriculture ...

Scientists reveal quirky feature of Lyme disease bacteria

Scientists have confirmed that the pathogen that causes Lyme Disease—unlike any other known organism—can exist without iron, a metal that all other life needs to make proteins and enzymes. Instead of iron, the bacteria ...

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