Gateway: The first lunar space station

An interplay of light and shadows cast the docking ports for Gateway, humanity's first space station around the moon, into sharp relief.

Image: Orion test lab mockup for next flight completed

The construction of an Orion crew module and crew module adapter full-scale mockup has been completed at the Lockheed Martin Littleton, Colorado facility. This mockup was transferred to the Orion Test Lab (OTL) on May 13, ...

New video reveals NASA is 'spinning a Webb'

NASA is spinning a "Webb," and it is not about a spider, it's about a part of the James Webb Space Telescope that is being "spin-tested" in a centrifuge to prove it can withstand the rigors of space travel.

Controlling the speed of light bullets

Though it sounds like something straight out of science fiction, controlling the speed of light has in fact been a long-standing challenge for physicists. In a study recently published in Communications Physics, researchers ...

Millimetre waves for the last mile

Reseachers at ETH Zurich have developed a modulator with which data transmitted via millimetre waves can be directly converted into light pulses for optical fibres. This could make covering the "last mile" up to the internet ...

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