Novel strategy to track adulterants in milk

Researchers at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) have developed a low-cost and effective method to detect adulterants in milk, by analyzing deposition patterns after evaporation. It was designed by Virkeshwar Kumar, ...

Recycling farm plastics gains momentum

( —On today's farms, plastic is as ubiquitous as dirt. From plastic film that wraps silage to leftover pesticide containers to the thin trays that hold seedlings, plastic plays an important role. But in the dark ...

Giving good bacteria an edge in making cheese

When unpasteurized milk is used to make cheese, the result is a product with more complex flavors, meaning many consumers seek out cheese made from "raw" milk. However, if the milk was contaminated, the cheese it's used for ...

Complete sequence of water buffalo announced

Chinese researchers announced today that they have completed the genome sequencing of water buffalo and the bioinformatics analysis. The outstanding work lays an important foundation for molecular breeding of water buffalo, ...

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