A new method detects traces of veterinary drugs in baby food

The quantities are very small, but in milk powder and in meat-based baby food, residues of drugs given to livestock were found. Researchers from the University of Almería (Spain) have developed a system to analyse these ...

Can Facebook save Australia's dairy farmers?

Social media is coming to the aid of Australia's dairy farmers by promoting the virtues of stumping up an extra dollar to buy branded milk, leaving the $2 house brands on the shelves, says QUT retail expert Dr Gary Mortimer.

Milk carton 'sell-by' dates may become more precise

The "sell-by" and "best-by" dates on milk cartons may soon become more meaningful and accurate. Cornell University food scientists have created a new predictive model that examines spore-forming bacteria and when they emerge, ...

Video: Why is chocolate so bad for dogs?

Dark, milk, semi-sweet or white, chocolate is a favorite treat for many —many humans that is. As much as we like it, chocolate can be lethal to our canine friends. Why can we humans eat chocolate without any negative effects ...

Hemp as animal feed can affect the health of cows and their milk

Commercial hemp is currently experiencing a revival due to its many applications. Commercial hemp varieties contain only small amounts of psychoactive (intoxicating) cannabinoids, which include Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC). ...

Fears of lumpy skin disease resurgence at Eid festival

While Pakistan has managed to confine an outbreak of lumpy skin disease that affects cattle and buffaloes there are fears that cattle fairs ahead of the religious festival Eid-ul-Azha might trigger a second wave.

Food scientists create healthy probiotic drink from soy pulp

Food scientists at the National University of Singapore (NUS) have given okara – the residue from the production of soy milk and tofu that is usually discarded – a new lease on life by turning it into a refreshing drink ...

Change of teeth causes yo-yo effect in elephants' weight

The weight of elephants living in zoos fluctuates over the course of their adult lives in cycles lasting around a hundred months, researchers at the University of Zurich have found. The fluctuation is linked to the particular ...

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