Why some humans developed a taste for milk and some didn't

Imagine a dinner party somewhere in Italy to which, as it turns out, my dad has been invited. On the menu tonight is a sliced tomato, basil and mozzarella salad, pasta with a creamy mushroom sauce topped with parmesan cheese, ...

Canola beats soybean as protein source for dairy cattle

Agricultural Research Service dairy scientists in Wisconsin are helping dairy farmers weigh the merits of a relatively new option for feeding their cattle: Using canola meal as a protein supplement.

Video: Why is chocolate so bad for dogs?

Dark, milk, semi-sweet or white, chocolate is a favorite treat for many —many humans that is. As much as we like it, chocolate can be lethal to our canine friends. Why can we humans eat chocolate without any negative effects ...

Texas blizzard kills 15,000 cows

A freak blizzard killed at least 15,000 dairy cows in the US state of Texas and for almost two days kept farmers from milking some of those that survived, officials said Monday.

Video: Why it hurts to eat hot peppers

You have probably had the burning sensation of eating a jalapeno or other tear-inducing pepper. What causes this painful fire in your mouth? The short answer is capsaicin. But what exactly is capsaicin? How does it work? ...

Some online-purchased cheeses are of low quality

Online shopping saves time and provides an enormous product choice, which can be especially convenient during the Christmas shopping season. According to a German market study, six percent of all fresh foods sold today are ...

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