Scientists use tardigrade proteins for human health breakthrough

University of Wyoming researchers' study of how microscopic creatures called tardigrades survive extreme conditions has led to a major breakthrough that could eventually make life-saving treatments available to people where ...

Innovative approach opens the door to COVID nanobody therapies

COVID is not yet under control. Despite a bevy of vaccines, monoclonal antibodies, and antivirals, the virus continues to mutate and elude us. One solution that scientists have been exploring since the early days of the pandemic ...

Study reveals flaws in popular genetic method

The most common analytical method within population genetics is deeply flawed, according to a new study from Lund University in Sweden. This may have led to incorrect results and misconceptions about ethnicity and genetic ...

Puzzling out the structure of a molecular giant

Combining AlphaFold2 with experimental and computational techniques has helped scientists figure out the human nuclear pore complex's architecture in greater detail than ever before.

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